PORTLAND -Science & Industry Community Plan
GUT Urban Studio - Science & Industry Community is an interdisciplinary project undertaken by Gdańsk University of Technology. It consists of diverse research fields such as architectural design, urban design, logistics and social sciences. Project’s main goal focuses on revitalization of Portland’s industrial district utilizing best practices in urban design.
As an underlay to our work we maintain a strong theoretical background. It bases on urban sustainability, cluster and geographical innovation theories, triple helix business concept and placemaking. We believe that our design can influence the district’s future and should be supported by adequate measures.
The revitalization process cover the vicinity of Oregon Museum of Science & Industry. It spreads from Willamette river in the east and to railway network in the western part. The area’s northern and southern boundaries are marked respectively by Portland Community College and Portland Opera. We have also developed an agenda for neighboring areas which is featured in a Master Plan.
The is delivered by Architecture and Urban Design’s students from Gdańsks University of Technology. The project’s groups consist of 2-5 students and are supervised by Tomasz Rozwadowski PhD, Dorota Kamrowska-Zaluska PhD and Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska.
PORTLAND working on the same project: